Industry 4.0
Artificial Intelligence / Formal Logic / ReasoningJob Shop Scheduling (JSS) in practice, time, resource, material and cost optimization as a multi-objective optimization problem in combination with Shift Work, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV), Knowledge Base (KB) created for production, ...
Can we combine all these particles together? Our answer is not 42. Yes, we can!
Data Warehouse / Knowledge Base SystemDistributed Data Warehouse/Data Marts of Streamed Linked Data as Knowledge Base System
ClueBoomBus is an application to manage distributed data warehouse/data marts of streamed linked data. It's based on cluster architecture (several nodes). Each node in the cluster has the same configuration and runs a set of processes with no single point of failure. Singleton control roles are moved between nodes on failure, implemented on a “self healing” principle. It seamlessly ties everything together as one logical warehouse/data marts and avoid locking into any data center location.
See also presentation (Slides).
Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling
(University Timetabling)
Artificial Intelligence / Formal Logic / Reasoning
Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling (CB-CTT) is one of the most widely studied course timetabling problems.
Educational timetabling is generally defined as the task of assigning a number of events, such as lectures and examinations, ...
Multigraph Fuzzy Search
Artificial Intelligence / Formal Logic / ReasoningLinked data are structured graph, so if we want to do something with, we have to enable calculus on. The graph isomorphism, subgraph isomorphism, and graph edit distance problems are combinatorial problems with many applications. Heuristic exact and approximate algorithms foreach of these problems have been developed for different kinds of graphs: directed, undirected, labeled, etc. ...
Real estate appraisal modeling system
Real estate appraisal modeling system for Geodetic Department of the Slovenian Government.
Buildings: 1,300,000
Plots: 5,700,000
Value overall:
€ 140,000,000,000
OpenJUMP GIS Client (Java)
Automated valuation modeling
Specially developed for handling mortgage loan portfolio (for banks). Comparable sales analysis of like properties. (UniCredit Bank, ABanka)
Accumulated value:
€ 11,500,000,000
Weather forecasting system
Weather Forecast Production System for Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia.
Average Hits per day 5,500,000
Products per day 75,000
Application server
ACADEMA Application Server, Java EE Server + Model-driven architecture + Formal logic, with more than 200 modules, for Unix(Linux) or Microsoft Windows Platform (GeaBios GIS Public Service is running on that platform)
ContinueSODO billing system
SODO is licensed to practice energy activities as an electrical energy distribution system operator. The main role is in assuring the appropriate planning of system development, its construction, management, operation and maintenance.
Income per year € 500,000,000
More than 955,700
users of distribution network.
GeaBios is a free (non-profit) "Slovene Citizen Oriented Information Service", and the name stands for Geo Enabled And Better Internet Oriented Services.
Slovenian archive of the meteorological data for Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia.
Data since 1961
PCBCAD, nonlinear statical analysis of prestressed concrete bridges, and the name stands for Prestressed Concrete Bridge CAD.
Modul for relaxation of steel, creep and shrinkage of concrete designed for TDV Pircher & partner GmbH, Graz (2001).
Flame & plasma NC cutting for shipyards, specially designed for Messer Griesheim and ESAB Hancock gas cutting machines.
Designed for Horn GmbH, Frankfurt (1996).
Flame & plasma cutting of more then 750,000 tons of steel per year.
AVIATOR, tools and components to develop complex GIS applications for Intranet, used for communal infrastructure companies in Slovenia: Telekom, Water supply, Electricity supply, Waste collecting.
ContinueModel predictive controller
Model predictive controller (MPC). A home automation system control of lighting, climate, entertainment systems, and appliances.
Distributed Data Warehouse/Data Marts of Streamed Linked Data as Knowledge Base System ...